Saturday, November 23, 2013

Gano Life and Diabetes

Benefits of Black Coffee Are Best It’s not just brewed coffee that may help – other studies have found that consuming raw, unroasted coffee beans lowered blood sugar in healthy people, which could help prevent diabetes. Zodkoy said the coffee drinkers in the studies analyzed had a healthier diet, which would have further reduced their risk. “People who drank coffee in the studies tended to drink much less sugary soda,” said Zodkoy. “Sugar-sweetened drinks are known to cause obesity, which is linked to diabetes.” “So if you add a bunch of sugar to your coffee,” Zodkoy added, “you’re probably reducing the benefits.” Drab agreed, and said that people often think that any coffee drink will confer this benefit. “When we’re talking about coffee, we’re not talking about lattes that are loaded with sugar and calories,” Dr. Drab said. “These kinds of drinks can be very problematic for patients with diabetes or those who are at risk.” Drab, who said he doesn’t drink coffee, advises his patients who do to drink it black. “If you can’t drink it black, use a low-fat creamer and an artificial sweetener," he said. In addition, Zodkoy said that it’s important to understand how much coffee you actually drink. The researchers found that the biggest benefit came at around six cups per day – but that’ doesn’t mean you need to fill your mug that many times. “A cup of coffee is actually measured at 5 ounces,” Zodkoy explained. “So if you drink a mug, you’re already at two cups.” Ultimately, while the findings show that coffee may have some protective benefit, both Drab and Zodkoy said more research needs to be done before they recommend drinking coffee as a way to prevent diabetes. “I’m not encouraging or discouraging people to drink it,” Drab said. “We need some randomized trials to really be sure of coffee’s true benefit.” Especially since too much coffee can be problematic, “Too much coffee can cause sleep problems, anxiety, headaches and stomach issues,” Zodkoy said. “It’s all about balance.”

Friday, November 22, 2013

Gano Life Coffee and Diabetes

Coffee May Be Key to Ward Off Diabetes. People who frequently drink coffee may have a lower risk of diabetes, according to new research, but experts say that more research needs to be done. THURSDAY, Nov. 21, 2013 — Many people can’t start the day without a cup of coffee, and that morning cup may be doing much more than giving them a boost of energy – it may also help ward off type 2 diabetes. There is growing evidence that a relatively small amount of coffee can cut your type 2 diabetes risk by nearly a third — as long as you don’t add too much sugar. Most recently, researchers from Qingdao University in China analyzed 26 studies on coffee and type 2 diabetes, involving a total of more than 1 million participants. They found that those who drank the most coffee were up to 30 percent less likely to develop diabetes than those who drank the least amount. They published the results in the European Journal of Nutrition in October. It’s unclear why exactly coffee reduced diabetes risk, but Steven Zodkoy, DC, a nutrition specialist with the American Clinical Board of Nutritionists, said it probably has to do with the level of caffeine in the drink. “The amount of risk reduction was directly tied to the amount of caffeine in the coffee,” Dr. Zodkoy said. “The caffeinated coffee did a much better job that the decaffeinated coffee in all of the studies.” Caffeine is a stimulant that has been linked to lower weight and faster metabolism – two key factors in diabetes risk, Zodkoy noted. “The people [in the study] who were drinking more of the coffee were thinner, which is huge in lowering your risk for diabetes,” he said. “The fact that the coffee drinkers had a low BMI was likely the major reason for their lower risk.” However, Drab, PharmD, an associate professor of pharmacy and therapeutics at the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy, said it's unclear whether caffeine is the reason for the lower risk. "I’m not sure that we can say that it’s caffeine," Dr. Drab said, "because we don’t see the same benefit in soda drinkers or in people who drink of caffeinated beverages." Contact me for more information at

Monday, November 11, 2013

Gano Life Diamond Club

Greetings! Time is running out to earn your spot among the best of the best in breathtaking Waikiki Hawaii! This exotic getaway is open to all GanoLife Affiliates who reach the“Paid As” Rank of Diamond by August 18, 2013. That means you still have a few precious days to double your efforts and hit the Diamond rank! Our inaugural Diamond Club365 Luxury Trip will be held at the Sheraton Waikiki on the beautiful Island of Oahu in Hawaii from November 12-15, 2013. The trip includes airfare from Los Angeles International Airport, a reception hosted by GanoLife, and three nights at the Sheraton Waikiki. If you’ve already attained the “Paid As” Rank of Diamond, you should be hearing from a Diamond Club 365 Representative soon with booking information. Diamond Ranked Affiliates may also call Janet or Laura at (909) 786-0340 X 8011 to RSVP for the trip. If you haven’t yet hit Diamond, we encourage you to double your efforts and reach this milestone before August 18, 2013, so you can join us at this island paradise getaway! For more info, please visit:

Monday, November 4, 2013

Gano Life Has Changed The Game

Write down your goals! Make them plain! Keep reading them! Keep writing. Don't fight with yourself. Your dreams are very important. Your goals can be accomplished. Register Activate Qualify G.T.C. Use experts. They will do it for you. Use a third party always. Never ever give up. Quitters will NEVER WIN AND WINNERS WILL NEVER QUIT. Please contact me for more information at

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Gano Life Redefines The Way You Drive 2

Gano Life redefines the way you drive by giving you $5,000 for down payment on a brand new Mercedes CLA! A personal X-Pack purchase is required to be part of the Redline RPM Promotion and can be retroactive. This X-Pack can be purchased as far back as March 2013. The 10-week promotion period starts when a new team member purchases an X-Pack. The promotion begins October 21, 2013. It is necessary to have a minimum of 7 of the same X-Packs on your first level to set the Redline Down Payment level. There can be as many 1st Level/Frontline X-Packs as you want, but the highest group of 7 (X1 , X2 or X3 ) at the end of the 10-week period will set the Down Payment Level. For example, if you have 5 X3 Packs and 2 X2 Packs, you will only qualify for the X2 Redline Down Payment amount. The volume needed to qualify for the specific Redline Down Payment is based on the number of Affiliates who purchased X-Packs within the first 3 Levels of your Enrollment Tree Organization. It can be a mix of X-Pack purchases, as long as the BV volume matches the required volume. If you fail to qualify at the end of the 10-Week period, you can re-qualify again by starting with the purchase of another X-Pack and rebuilding. Only 1 Redline RPM Down Payment can be redeemed during this promotion. Once a Redline RPM Down Payment has been earned, it must be redeemed towards the down payment of a Mercedes Benz (2012 model or newer). No other cash value is associated with this promotion. Any Power Bonuses earned during this promotion will be paid as usual and count towards the Redline Down Payment level. So if you earn an X3 Power Bonus during this promotion, the $1,000 will reduce the Redline RPM X3 Down Payment award to $4,000. The highest level of the Redline Down Payment is dependent on the Affiliate’s X-Pack purchased. If an Affiliate purchased an X1 , they will be only able to earn the X1 Redline Down Payment; however, if there is an X-Pack Upgrade purchased during the promotion, the higher X-Pack Redline Down Payment will apply. Please contact me for more information at

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Gano Life Redefines The Way You Drive

Gano Life redefines the way you drive by paying your car payment! The RPM Car Bonus is open to all GanoLife Affiliates in good standing who reach the paid rank of Platinum or higher. Bonus payment amounts are based upon the best “paid as” rank achieved in eight (8) out of 12 (twelve) cycles. For example, in a twelve (12) cycle period, if an Affiliate was paid at the rank of Platinum for two (2) cycles, Double Platinum for eight (8) cycles, and Triple Platinum for 2 cycles, the RPM Bonus level achieved would be Double Platinum. Platinum $300 Double Platinum $400 Triple Platinum $500 Diamond $600 Double Diamond $700 Triple Diamond $800 Crown $1,000 Double Crown $1,500 Triple Crown $3,000. Please contact me for more information at

Friday, November 1, 2013

Gano Life Redefines Compensation

All over America, Asia, and Europe, our ganoderma is respected for being 100% organic ganoderma. Don't complain about the sugar, cream, drink the black coffee. Our product is in its raw form. Nothing cooked or chemically processed. Green Coffee bean has “cloragenic acid” which, when it enters your blood streams stops and blocks fat. New enhancement to the comp plan: When these packages are purchased, these are the benefits: X 3 20% first 3 months of purchase. X 2 20% first 2 months 15 % third month X 1 20% first month 20% 2nd month 15% Please contact me for more information on Gano Life at