Saturday, November 1, 2014

Medicinal Mushroom Coriolus Versicolor Shrinks Breast Cancer Tumors

Medicinal Mushroom Coriolus Versicolor Shrinks Breast Cancer Tumors AUTHOR BRIDGET GREENWOOD Turkey tail medicinal mushroom and breast cancer More evidence that bioactive compounds in the colorful turkey tail mushroom, also known medicinal mushroom Coriolus Versicolor, have anti cancer effects on breast cancer. An animal study published in Phytomedicine tested extracts of the medicinal mushrooms on mouse breast cancer cells. Breast cancer is the most common cancer for North American women, excepting skin cancers. The American Cancer Society estimates that 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer. But breast cancer can often be successfully treated, especially if it is detected early. Breast cancer is treated with surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and targeted therapy. However, some of these treatments have very harsh side effects. Research is being performed to improve treatments and prognosis, including research into natural sources for potential future anti cancer drugs. One such natural source is the medicinal mushroom. The turkey tail medicinal mushroom has been proven to contain anti cancer bioactive compounds, though scientific tests are still ongoing. Ke-Wang Luo, Grace Gar-Lee Yue, et al, published the results of their in vivo and in vitro experiment in Phytomedicine (July-August 2014). Turkey tail medicinal mushroom extract shrinks breast cancer tumors Hong Kong Skyline 300x168 Medicinal Mushroom Coriolus Versicolor Shrinks Breast Cancer Tumors Animal study by Hong Kong scientists suggests that coriolus versicolor medicinal mushrooms help shrink breast cancer The study examined anti-tumor and anti-metastasis effects of aqueous extracts of the turkey tail medicinal mushroom on mouse breast cancer cells. The extract of turkey tail medicinal mushroom was given to mice daily for 4 weeks, and the tumors analyzed. Tumor weight was decreased by 36%. Additionally, lung metastasis was reduced by 70% compared to the untreated control group. This means the turkey tail extracts prevented the breast cancer from spreading. The turkey tail extracts also had remarkable immunomodulatory effects. They improved the immune response by increasing lymphocyte production. Lymphocytes are needed for our bodies to make natural killer cells, which identify and destroy invading cells like cancer. The researchers concluded that there is scientific evidence for using turkey tail aqueous extracts in breast cancer patients. Turkey tail medicinal mushroom is commonly available as a dietary supplement under its official name Coriolus Versicolor. It is often included in various immune system boosting dietary supplements as one of the key ingredients.

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