Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Gano Life is Recession Proof

Gano Life is recession proof. Whether you believe it or not, there has been a paradigm shift in the way the world does business. We have become a global community and the way we do business has changed drastically. Major corporations have literally shut down operations here in the United States and moved their businesses to other countries, taking millions of jobs along with them. No jobs, no income. No income, no way to pay the mortgage, car payment, utilities, bills, buy food, etc. Thus you have foreclosures, repossessions, starvation and ultimately, homelessness. People become desperate. Desperate people do desperate things. There is an escalation of burglaries, thefts, robberies, hijackings, kidnappings, homicides, suicides, and acts of terrorism. College graduates are working on jobs that do not require degrees. Small businesses are closing their doors because they have no customers. The government is laying off thousands of people. Thousands of people are being forced to retire early with much less than what they had planned for. Nonprofits are really struggling because people do not have extra money to donate. Even Churches are having to close their doors! However, there is a solution to this horrible problem...GANO LIFE! Gano Life is recession proof because our product is coffee. People drink coffee in the good times and in the bad times because it's comfort food. Rich people drink coffee. Poor people drink coffee. Even homeless people drink coffee. Why? Because it's an addiction. But it's a legal addiction. It gives you energy. It makes you feel good. Starbucks is expanding to other countries. Mcdonalds sell more coffee than hamburgers. It's time to pay attention because free speech costs too much! Gano Life coffee is a delicious blend of premium coffee beans, enriched with ganoderma lucidum. There are no known side effects; no jitters; no crashing; and we are getting thousands of testimonies of health benefits. Imagine getting paid to drink and share coffee with family and friends. It's that easy! My coffee pays me, does yours? Contact me for information on how to get started today. Inbox me at larniewhite@gmail.com.

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