Monday, September 30, 2013

Gano Life Is Great For High Blood Pressure 2

Can Ganoderma really cure high blood pressure? Are there any herbs that can seriously help high blood pressure sufferers? Many Doctors say it’s impossible to cure it. Some tell you that you must take medication forever. Fortunately, many people have successfully improved their high blood pressure with lifestyle changes and herbs like Ganoderma Lucidum permanently. What is high blood pressure? Blood pressure readings are measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) and usually given as two numbers. For example, 120 over 80 (written as 120/80 mmHg). • The top number is your systolic pressure, the pressure created when your heart beats. It is considered high if it is consistently over 140. • The bottom number is your diastolic pressure, the pressure inside blood vessels when the heart is at rest. It is considered high if it is consistently over 90. Either or both of these numbers may be too high. Pre-hypertension is when your systolic blood pressure is between 120 and 139 or your diastolic blood pressure is between 80 and 89 on multiple readings. If you have pre-hypertension, you are more likely to develop high blood pressure. High blood pressure is known as a silent killer as there are usually no warning signs in the early stages. Although you may not feel drastic changes, untreated high blood pressure gradually damages your body organs. It can also cause heart failure. The heart muscle can become so weak that your heart cannot pump enough blood for your whole body. Over the long term, untreated high blood pressure can either burst blood vessels or cause them to gradually narrow and become blocked. In both situations, blood flow stops. Depending on which blood vessels are affected, it can cause: • Aortic dissection • Blood vessel damage (arteriosclerosis) • Brain damage • Congestive heart failure • Kidney dfailure • Kidney failure • Heart attack • Hypertensive heart disease • Stroke • Vision loss (blindness) Please contact me for more information about Gano Life Ganoderma at

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