Monday, January 28, 2013

Think and Grow Rich with a Positive Personality with Gano Life

Your personality will determine if people are attracted to you or people shy away from you. It is the show window which you display your character to the world, and it is the one thing which distinguishes you from all other human beings. It is your trademark by which people recognize you, and it is the thing which determines your success or failure in selling yourself through life. Therefore, you should see your personality just as others see it, so you may improve it where it needs improvement. Your personality consist of over thirty different factors, traits, and characteristics. Time will not permit me to go into all of them, but please know that you control your personality and you can control it so it will be what you want it to be. The most important one is your mental attitude. Your mental attitude must be positive in order to attract people to you. A Pleasing Personality can change your life. People know when you have a pleasing personality and they also know when you do not have a pleasing personality. Even if you try to fake it, people still know. How do they know? 1. Telepathy. According to the medical dictionary, mental telepathy is a form of anomalous cognition in which an individual may receive information or thoughts directly from the mind of another; the tone of your voice; the expression on your face; by the courtesy and consideration you show other people or the lack of these. 2. Your flexibility of your mental attitude or the lack of it. If you have flexibility, you adjust yourself to all the circumstances in your relations with others, without loosing your composure or allowing yourself to become irritable or angry. If you have flexibility of your mental attitude it will be impossible for anyone to make you angry or irritate you without your consent or cooperation. You can not control the actions of other people which might justify you becoming irritated by them, but you can control your reaction to all such circumstances by exercising your trait of flexibility. 3. The ability to control and direct your emotion and enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is one of the means by which you can give forcefulness to your words, but you must be able to turn it on and off at will. Uncontrolled enthusiasm often makes people bore some. It also may open wide the window to one's mind to which others may enter to influence one in a way they do not wish to be influenced. 4. A Sincerity of Purpose. The person who is not sincere in all relationships with others, is soon detected and rejected, because no one is attracted to the person who thus endeavors to deceive others. Sincerity is one quality of character which can not be easily faked.

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