Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Think and Grow Rich with Gano Life

I am reading this awesome book entitled Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. The first point is Desire. What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thomas Edison had only 3 months of formal education, but look at what he was able to accomplish when he decided in his mind exactly what he wanted to do in life. Whatever your mind feeds upon, it attracts. When you speak of your poverty, failure, doubts, and fears, your mind attracts that to you. We can choose to be rich or we can choose to be poor. Napoleon Hill says that we all come here with the equivalent of two sealed envelopes. One is the riches you may enjoy in life if you take control of your mind and the other is the penalties if you neglect to take control of your mind. The riches are 1. Sound Health; 2. Peace of Mind; 3. A Labor of Love of your choosing; 4. Freedom From Fear and Doubt; 5. A Positive Mental Attitude; and 6. The Amount of Money You Desire to have in Life. The first thing you must do is write down the following: 1. Your Major Desire in Life. 2. A Clear Statement of what you plan to give in return for your Desires in Life. 3. Memorize the Statements and repeat them twelve times a day. Always end in a prayer of gratitude. THINK AND GROW RICH WITH GANO LIFE!!!

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