Thursday, January 31, 2013

Think and Grow Rich with Self Discipline in Gano Life

Self Discipline has reference to not only your negative habits which stand in the way of your success, but more particularly to your positive habits you will need in order to be successful. The following is a list of the things you need to develop Self Discipline: 1. Your Tongue- Think before you speak after you have determined that what you have to say will benefit you and not injure others. A loose tongue often is one's greatest liability. 2. The common tendency of striking back at those whom you have a cause, imaginary or real, for a grievance. Remember that everything you do to or for another, you do to or for yourself, because your every thought or every act benefits a person, comes back to you in kind, greatly multiplied. So if you feel like you must slander another person, do not speak it, write. Write it the sands near the water so the water will wash it away.3. Your Emotions- Love, Hate, Fear,and Sex. They can make you or break you, according to the extent of discipline you exercise over them. 4. Your Mental Attitude need discipline and control at all times. It can and it does often times drive away friends, destroy opportunities to get ahead, brings on physical and mental illness, develops stomach ulcers, and makes peace of mind impossible. 5. Sex- This is probably the most powerful of all. 6. Your Stomach- Dieting and Fasting. Please consult your doctor. 7. Religion and Politics- To be happy and prosperous in this country, we must learn to live and let live. 8. The Possession of Your Own Mind- You must have a practical system. Self Discipline: Made Thomas Edison the world's greatest inventor. It carried the Wright Brothers through a multitude of failures and enabled them to give the world it's first practical airplane. It helped Helen Keller triumph over her deafness, blindness, and dumbness, a combination of affliction which most people never experience. One thing is certain, no one ever becomes very wise without self discipline and no one gains peace of mind and happiness without strict self discipline. It is the only means of transmuting sorry into faith. It is the only means which we may transmute hatred of others into the milder emotion of sympathy for them. It is the only means by which we may reveal and profit by the seed of an equivalent benefit which comes with every adversity and every defeat. It is the means by which we may shut out of our minds the deadly effects of past experiences of suffering and unpleasantness and it is the only means by which we may discover that other self we carry around with us. That self which has great capacity for belief and does not become influenced by failure and defeat. Self discipline can give us freedom from the fear of death. It can free us from the disease of hypochondria, the fear of imaginary illness, which so many people suffer and sometimes die. Self discipline is the means by which we can think our own thoughts and live our own lives as we wish to live them and remain forever free from the fears and limitations which we inherited from the dark ages before the dawn of civilization. The creator never gives one assets and benefits without passing along with it the means by which it may be embraced and used. Self discipline therefore, is the means by which the creator provided us with the method of embracing and using the only thing we have unchallengeable control..the power of our own thoughts. Remember, the habit of taking the line of least resistance makes all rivers and some men crooked. THINK AND GROW RICH WITH SELF DISCIPLINE WITH GANO LIFE!!!

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