Saturday, February 2, 2013

Gano Life Super Saturday Review

Gano Life USA Super Saturday in Ontario, CA was awesome! There was so much excitement in the room! The Coffee was absolutely delicious! We had some amazing speakers! Here are some of the notes I took: Giovanni: Make an Agenda, Communicate, and Don't Quit. Sam Morgan talked about Overcoming Obstacles. You gotta do something different. Get rid of the egos. You must get Sick and tired of being sick and tired. You have to be a professional in this business. People join you, Not the Company. Stay plugged into the support system. Lovell Scotton: Be proud of yourself. Once you learn it, you have to teach it. You get paid for what you're worth. People join you. There are colors which associate with people. Personality Types: Red: Money motivated; Blue: Let's have fun; Yellow: Love the cause; Green: Analytical. It takes 10,000 hours to become a pro. Develop new habits: Become a product of the product. Set your goals. Launch your business with a Coffee Break. Third party validation. Personal development. Get a work out partner. Turn your dreams into realities. For a goal to become true, you must write it down and read it every day. Jacinia Robles: Came here with nothing from Mexico. Worked in restaurant. Had a bigger dream than a job. You can accomplish your dream with Network Marketing. Made over one million last year! Focus on accomplishing your dream. Politics or Production: If you focus on your business, Gano Life, you can have success. There are so many opportunities in this country. There are so many people looking for an opportunity. You have the entire US. Focus on Production! Go to work! Don't worry about what you don't have. David Gonzalez: We have arrived and now we are moving forward. Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way! Transformation, not change. Change is temporary, Transformation is permanent! You gotta create it in your life. When you create something, you start from nothing. You are trying to create something new, but you are full of so much stuff...Love what you do and love the people that you're working with. Love, Honor, and Respect. Love creates, Hate destroys. The Law of Attraction: You must be present at all time! Your mind plays tricks on you. Your sub-conscience deceives you. You are made in God's image. Your business is like a fetus. You start very small, but you can grow into a giant. Character is everything. Gano Life!

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