Saturday, February 9, 2013

Think and Grow Rich with Personal Initiative with Gano Life

Personal Initiative is the dynamo which starts the faculty of imagination into action in the process of translating one's definite purpose in physical or financial freedom. If you aim for success above mediocrity you will need to learn to act on your own personal initiative, because your success is something you must achieve for yourself without someone telling you what to do or how to do it. Cyrus H. Curtis said, "there are two kinds of people that don't amount to very much...those who can not do as they are told and those who can do nothing." Those who amount to something in life are those who use personal initiative. George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, and Barack Obama are examples of people who used personal initiative and achieved success. Not only does the person who acts on personal initiative start on the path of success, but they are also influenced to complete whatever they undertake, because they know a quitter never wins and and a winner never quits. A big success is made up of a great number of little circumstances, each of which is so small and seemingly insignificant that most people pass it by as if it were not worthy of notice. Some may think that the habit of personal initiative is unimportant, but you only have to take a look at some of our successes to recognize that personal initiative was an important factor and we never would have achieved success. For example: No one told F. W. Woolworth to start a five and dime store. The idea was his own . He acted on his own personal initiative. He lived to see his ideas put into action and lived to earn a fortune of one hundred million dollars. W. Clement Stone started his own insurance business with his own personal initiative with an operating capital of only one hundred dollars, but he followed through on that same personal initiative and made his annual income gross many millions of dollars. The habit of personal initiative help Henry J. Kaiser to build an industrial empire and upgrade himself into a high position in the world. It was this type of personal initiative which enabled him to build up a great fleet of ships during WW1, despite the fact that he had never built ships before. Personal initiative is one quality which inspires one to establish friendships with people who can be of aid to them in times of need. Think and Grow Rich with Personal Initiative with Gano Life.

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