Monday, February 11, 2013

Think and Grow Rich with Personal Initiative with Gano Life Part 2

The person who follows the habit of Personal Initiative: 1. Has a definite plan in life and a plan for it's attainment. 2. Has a Master Mind Alliance with like minded people. 3. Has the persistence and will to win and strength to keep going when faced with obstacles. 4. Makes decisions when they have the necessary facts on which to base them and changes them slowly, if at all. 5. Follows the habit of doing more than they are paid for, and does so in a pleasing, positive mental attitude. 6. Accepts full responsibility for everything they ever undertake and never passes the buck when things go wrong. 7. Can take friendly criticism without resentment, because they have learned to profit by it. 8. Knows what the nine basic motives are which inspire all human endeavors and never request anyone to do anything for them, without giving that person an adequate motive for doing so. 9. Never expresses an opinion about anything, unless they have thought the subject through and is prepared to state how they came about their opinion. 10. Follows the habit of listening much and talking only when they have something to say which benefits them and others. 11. Has a well developed since of observation and knows their job from the smallest detail to the greatest. 12. Never tells anyone to do anything without giving instructions on why and how it should be done best. 13. Follow the habit of concentrating on one thing at a time. 14. Their mental attitude is positive at all times when they are in communication with other people. 15. If you ask them a question, they will give you a direct answer, even if they have to tell you they do not know the correct answer. 16. They never put off for tomorrow, that which should have been done last week, because they know that the habit of procrastination, rate at the top of the lists for failures. Think and Grow Rich with Personal Initiative with Gano Life. Contact me today to learn how you can become a distributor with Gano Life.

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