Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Think and Grow Rich Overcoming Adversity and Defeat with Gano Life

Your Positive Mental Attitude is the only means by which you can transmute all of your experiences in life into great benefits. Example: 1. Milo C. Jones , of Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin was stricken with double paralysis and lost the use of his entire body with the exception of his brain. It was during this time that he discovered a way to make little Pig Sausages which yielded him a fortune. Isn't it interesting how sometimes we have to be cut down with failure and defeat before we learn that we have minds capable of solving all of our problems. 2. Franklin D. Roosevelt was stricken with polio in the prime of his life and lost the use of his legs. Instead of sitting on a street corner with a tin cup, he transmuted his affliction into a build up of his self reliance and lifted himself to the highest position one can hold in the US, the President of the United States, and held it until he passed away, which was longer than any of his predecessors. 3. Napoleon Hill lost his mother when he was only eight years old, however it was his step mother who inspired him to prepare himself for the opportunity when he met Dale Carnegie. 4. The fact that the US defeated the British and became independently wealthy and self sufficient finally became a means that saved the British Empire in World War 1 and 2. It was our financial help which saved them from starvation and bankruptcy. There is something we can all do to stop the trend to rob us of our personal freedom...Refuse to accept this common trend and take full possession of your own mind, thus fulfilling your personal responsibility to yourself, your family, and your creator to take possession of your own mind and writing your own ticket in life. Now, go back and look at your past adversities and failures and what you learned and gained from them and you may discover that you are richer than you believe. Think and Grow Rich Overcoming Adversity and Defeat with Gano Life.

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