Monday, February 4, 2013

Think and Grow Rich with Enthusiasm in Gano Life

It has been said that knowledge is power. However knowledge is power only when it is put into action for the attainment of a definite objective. Enthusiasm is one of the more powerful means we can put into action education, experience, and knowledge. Spoken words without enthusiasm are ineffective and sometimes they can actually be boring. Here is the way enthusiasm works. Your brain is a broadcasting station which sends and receives vibrations. When you turn on enthusiasm, you step up the vibrations in your brain and send out signals to others and causes them to respond in kind. Salesmen often use this when preparing to meet with a client. Andrew Carnegie said you can place one person with enthusiasm in a room with thousands of people and they will have an effect on everyone, whether positive or negative. When you are introduced to another person, you have the opportunity to positively effect that person with your enthusiasm so they will never ever forget you. Here are some tips when you meet a new person: 1. Turn on your enthusiasm. 2. When you shake their hand, speak in an enthusiastic tone, give their hand a quick squeeze each time you speak...but don't squeeze too hard. 3. Be sure to direct the conversation to subjects about things they are interested in. 4. Eagerly ask questions about them and their interest and then they will be more apt to ask questions about you. Lawyers use this technique. Doctors use this technique. Public speakers use this technique. You may recall, when you were courting or being courted, no one had to tell you to be enthusiastic. This is because you were in love and really desired to be with the person you were in love with. You are naturally enthusiastic about things you love and have a burning desire to have. Read for ten minutes a day with enthusiasm. Write down a list of ten things you are easily enthusiastic about. Practice speaking enthusiastically with your family and friends. You will begin to notice how popular you will become. Where there is no motive, there is no enthusiasm. There are three basic motives that practically rule the world. 1. Love. 2. Sex. 3. Money. The combination of these three emotions can convert a mediocre person into a genius. Think and grow Rich with Enthusiasm in Gano Life. Following Coffee available :

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