Friday, January 31, 2014

There are many different ways to get your ganoderma lucidum. Ganoderma in: coffee reishi, ganoderma tea, gano coffee, ganoderma coffee, gano cafe, ganoderma hot or cold chocolate ganoderma in cereal And, perhaps the easiest way, ganoderma lucidum supplements And please take note, that the ganoderma ENRICHES the product it is in (like coffees, teas etc ) These drinks are not actually made from the mushroom. So, whatever product you buy make sure that| - the ganoderma is a good quality - and the coffee is a good coffee - maybe even one of the best colombian coffee beans - the tea is of a good quality tea and then, sit back, take your ganoderma in whatever way suits you best, and see how you feel! Contact me at, or go to (This article was originally published by, January 24, 2014)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Ganolife Ganoderma Has Many Benefits

Ganodrma For Harvest Because of the change in the atmospheric content (body odor, fragrances etc) caused by visitors, ganoderma exposed to visitors are not for internal consumption but for external use (soap, shampoo, body foam). Which brings me to a point I almost forgot. Yes, ganoderma is also used in personal care products, like toothpastes, soaps, shampoos and more. Contact me at, or go to (This article was originally published by, January 24, 2014)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ganolife Ganoderma Cultivation

A Ganoderma Growing Lab: There is a lot of ganoderma in the wild, to the point we could (but shouldn't) pick them ourselves. But, which ones? and what species, what size is a good size for picking? and what about age, and color? And then once we picked it, how would we eat it, do we cook it, boil it, or what? And, what about the temperature of preparation, and for how long? There are a lot of questions here. Ganoderma healing requires knowledge for preparation. Here, at this DXN Ganoderma Lab there are cultivation huts, on the interior, each hut has aisles of polybags of ganoderma lucidum culture. Contact me at, or go to (This article was originally published by, January 24, 2014)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Ganolife Ganoderma Effects

Ganoderma Lucidum Effects. Also known as red reishi,the ganoderma mushroom is actually hard and bitter. Like many bitter herbs, it is used to promote health and longevity for over 4000 years already in traditional Chinese medicine, and for the last number of years, also in North America. - ganoderma will help you fight fatigue, - it will help you manage your cholesterol, - ganoderma can help with managing your hypertension (blood pressure), - just imagine, it can increase your stamina, and that means more energy - and it will help strengthen your immune system. A stronger immune system means better health. This mushroom is fast becoming a very popular natural remedy. Ganoderma is only ingested as a medicinal mushroom because it is NOT recommended for cooking. Contact me at, or go to (This article was originally published by, January 24, 2014)

Monday, January 27, 2014

Ganolife Ganoderma Health Benefits

About Ganoderma From National Institute Health Ganoderma lucidum, is an oriental fungus and it has a very long history of use to promote health and longevity in many Asian countries. It is a large, and dark mushroom that has a glossy exterior and it has a woody texture.It's Latin name of lucidus means “shiny”, “brilliant”. This is because of its varnished look on the surface of the mushroom. In Chinese, the name is lingzhi and it represents both a spiritual potency and the essence of immortality. It is also referred to as “herb of spiritual potency,” which symbolizing success, and well-being, and divine power, and longevity. The ganoderma lucidum is known and revered more for it's medicinal power than it's nutritional value. There is a variety of ganoderma products that range from enriched: tea, coffees, chocolate powder, and mocha beverages. Also, the ganoderma comes as a supplement in capsule form, and in "broken spores" form. Contact me at, or go to (This article was originally published by, January 24, 2014)

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Ganolife Ganoderma Is Powerful!

Ganoderma Lucidum - A Powerful Natural Remedy: Ganoderma Lucidum A New Group Of Superfoods I am sure you know the cliché, "You are what you eat?" What we knew all along, has been confirmed: a healthy lifestyle is not only about what you do, it is also about everything you put into your mouth! I just read that, even if you eat one heavy fat meal a month, like hamburger and fries, it can affect your arteries. Gone are the 4 food groups, and in comes super foods like Ganoderma Lucidum, also known as Red Reishi! Ganoderma Lucidum the official scientific name for the mysterious Red Reishi Mushroom. This Red Reishi grows on only 2, yes, only 2 out of approximately 10,000 aged and wild plum trees. These trees grow in dense and also humid mountain forests in Asia. Ganoderma Lucidum is surrounded by mystery and it has been around for over 4,000 years. Attributed with almost mythical properties. This shiny Red mushroom has become a medical miracle in our century. It used to be only available to royalties. Phytonutrients:"Phyto Means Plant" So, Phytonutrients actually means "Plant Nutrients" There are hundreds of these phytonutrients and they are also often called: phytochemicals. Common nutrients are:carotenoids (such as lutein),flavonoids,these are some of the more well known nutrients. Phytonutrients also include antioxidants. Antioxidants have properties that prevent cell damage. There are hundreds of these nutrients, and I am sure that you can find many scientific articles that tell all about them. Suffice it to say, for those of us who are not that scientifically inclined, we don't need to know all the scientific names. We are ok just to know they are there. Ganoderma is known to have over 200 phytonutrients! Contact me at, or go to (This article was originally published by, January 24, 2014)

Friday, January 24, 2014

Ganolife Could Decrease Parkinson's Risk

Drinking a few cups of coffee a day could lower the risk of developing Parkinson's disease by as much as 25 percent, according to a study published last year in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. In that review of studies, which was published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, researchers examined 26 studies that involved 125,000 British people, to find that two or three cups of coffee seemed to have the optimal effect, The Telegraph reported. Please contact me at for more information.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Ganolife Could Ward Off The World's Most Common Cancer

Coffee Could Ward Off The World's Most Common Cancer New research presented at the American Association for Cancer Research conference shows that coffee could help to ward off basal cell carcinoma, the most common cancer in the world. Researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School found that women who drink three or more cups of caffeinated coffee a day have a 20 percent lower risk of the skin cancer, while men had a 9 percent lower risk. Decaf coffee didn't seem to have the same protective effect -- so "our study shows that the inverse association with BCC appears due to caffeine, not other components in the coffee consumption," study researcher Fengju Song, Ph.D., earlier told HuffPost. Please contact me at for more information.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ganolife Could Protect You From Type 2 Diabetes

Coffee Could Protect You From Type 2 Diabetes Drinking coffee is associated with a lower Type 2 diabetes risk, with more coffee consumption linked to a greater decrease in risk, according to an Archives of Internal Medicine review of studies from 2009. In that review, researchers looked at data from more than 450,000 people in 18 studies, and found that for every extra cup of coffee drank a day, a person's risk of Type 2 diabetes decreased by 7 percent. However, researchers cautioned that "the putative protective effects of these beverages warrant further investigation in randomized trials." Please contact me at for more information.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Ganolife Could Lower Men's Risk Of Prostate Cancer

A Harvard School of Public Health study shows that men who drink six cups of coffee a day have a 60 percent decreased chance of developing a dangerous form of prostate cancer, as well as a 20 percent decreased chance of developing any other kinds of prostate cancer. The study, published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, also shows that just drinking just some coffee a day -- just one to three cups -- could still cut prostate cancer risk by 30 percent. Please contact me at for more information.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Ganolife Could Save Your Brain

Coffee Could Save Your Brain ... Well, maybe. A study in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease suggests that there's something in coffee -- though researchers have yet to determine what exactly that "something" is -- interacts with caffeine to boost the levels of granulocyte colony stimulating factor (GCSF), a growth factor that seems to be able to fight off Alzheimer's disease in mice. The amount of coffee needed in the study is equivalent to about four or five cups of coffee for humans. Researchers said GCSF likely has this effect because it causes stem cells in the bone marrow to come into the brain and remove the beta-amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease. It also has a role in forming brain cell connections and creating new brain neurons, researchers said. Please contact me at for more information.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Ganolife Could Help Lower Women's Depression Risk

Coffee Could Lower Women's Depression Risk Women who drink a few cups of caffeinated coffee have a lower risk of depression than women who don't drink any coffee, according to a Harvard study. That research, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, shows that women who drink two to three cups of coffee a day have a 15 percent lower risk, while women who drink four or more cups of coffee a day have a 20 percent lower risk. Study research Dr. Albert Ascherio told HuffPost earlier that "caffeine is known to affect the brain," because it "modulates the release of mood transmitters." "I'm not saying we're on the path to discovering a new way to prevent depression," he said. "But I think you can be reassured that if you are drinking coffee, it is coming out as a positive thing." Please contact me at for more information.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Ganolife Can Help You Proofread

Coffee (Or At Least, The Caffeine!) Can Help You Proofread Better The caffeine in coffee could actually help you to spot grammatical errors, according to a new study in the Journal of Experimental Psychology. Researchers found that caffeine helped students to correct errors in subject-verb agreement and verb tense, MSNBC reported. However, the caffeine still didn't seem to make a difference at identifying misspelled words -- sorry.
Please contact me at for more information.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ganolife Has The Best Ganoderma Products On The Planet

What did our ancestors use for health issues before medicine? They used natural herbs. They would go out into the wild and use natural plants, grass, trees, flowers, and fungus and they got results. One of the greatest innovators in all history was Dr George Washington Carver. According to Wikipedia, George Washington Carver (by January 1864[1][3] – January 5, 1943), was an American scientist, botanist, educator, and inventor. The exact day and year of his birth are unknown; he is believed to have been born into slavery in Missouri in January 1864.[1] Carver's reputation is based on his research into and promotion of alternative crops to cotton, such as peanuts, soybeans and sweet potatoes, which also aided nutrition for farm families. He wanted poor farmers to grow alternative crops both as a source of their own food and as a source of other products to improve their quality of life. The most popular of his 44 practical bulletins for farmers contained 105 food recipes using peanuts.[4] He also developed and promoted about 100 products made from peanuts that were useful for the house and farm, including cosmetics, dyes, paints, plastics, gasoline, and nitroglycerin. There is not a lot of discussion about this, but he was also an herbalist. That's right, Dr George Washington Carver used and encouraged others to use herbs. The Fungal Collections of George Washington Carver at NYBG George Washington Carver was an extraordinary scientist and role model. To this day, his name is synonomous with black ability and achievement. He represents a man who has contributed greatly to science throughout his lifetime. Carver was born of slave parents on a farm near Diamond Grove, Missouri, around 1864. His boyhood, which was full of struggle against poverty and illness, ended when he entered Simpson College in Iowa, and from there he went on to Iowa State University. After graduation, he received the appointment of Assistant Botanist at the Experiment Station. In 1896 he became Head of the Agricultural and Dairy Department at the Tuskegee Institute in Tuskegee, Alabama. Very soon after his arrival in Tuskegee in 1896, Carver cooperated with Franklin Sumner Earle, the Chair of Biology and Horticulture in the Alabama Polytechnic Institute at Auburn, Alabama, in compiling a preliminary list of the fungi of Alabama which was later published. This study formed the basis of a relationship that lasted the entire time that Earle was at Auburn. In 1901, F. S. Earle came to The New York Botanical Garden, serving as the Garden's first mycologist. Throughout his career, Carver developed hundreds of products from peanuts, sweet potatoes, and clays; promoted home-canning and the addition of natural fertilizers to improve soil fertility; studied insect and fungal diseases; and developed new varieties of cotton and Amaryllis. Of the many contributions G. W. Carver made to science, one that has been under-emphasized is his role as a fungal collector. Throughout his career, Carver maintained a steady interest in mycology. While at Iowa State, he developed a talent for collecting fungal specimens. Since mycology was a scientific discipline that required a high degree of training and sophisticated equipment for proper identification, and Carver had neither training nor equipment, he often sought the aid of trained mycologists. While his preliminary identifications were remarkably accurate, Carver's real gift was for finding rare and new species. Throughout his career, he sent specimens to numerous mycologists and plant pathologists. Job Bicknell Ellis, a prominent mycologist whose herbarium was purchased by NYBG, received many valuable specimens in return for aiding Carver in identification. It is suspected that Carver's collections ended up at NYBG because of his relationship with J. B. Ellis. In 1902, Ellis collaborated with Benjamin Matlack Everhart on an article entitled 'New Alabama Fungi' which listed 60 important species he had received from Carver. Included in the list were two new species that Ellis and Everhart had named for the Tuskegee scientist. The fungus herbarium at The New York Botanical Garden has more than 100 specimens collected by Carver. Most of these specimens are represented in the exsiccati 'Fungi Columbiani' by Ellis & Everhart. It is suspected that many more of Carver's collections exist in the herbarium. These specimens will be available in an on-line searchable catalogue in the near future. Ganoderma is the King of Herbs, and that's what we put in our coffee. Contact me at

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Ganolife Team United Super Saturday

Ganolife Team United Super Saturday was absolutely spectacular! This was the first Super Saturday 2014 event.  Three Teams,  One Vision.  James Wiggins and Team Bossiquit,   Val Villar and Team One Vision, and Robert Hollis, jr and Team...Excellent training from Mikal Pradia on "Goal Setting", Nate Calima on "Four Questions", and Lori Anne Hayes on "Back Office". Superb motivation by Double Diamond Robert Hollis, jr.  Finally,  special recognition and certificates for excellent performance. Please contact me at 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Ganolife Supremo 2014 Launch Party

The Ganolife Supremo 2014 Launch Party was absolutely fabulous! Now we have the total package. Black coffee, Latte, Mocha, Cappuccino, Chocolate, Tea, and...drum roll...GROUND COFFEE!!! That's right! All of our coffees are a delicious gourmet blend, enriched with the most potent natural herb in the world...GANODERMA LUCIDUM! GOD'S HERB! THE KING OF HERBS! There are a number of companies claiming to have ganoderma in their coffee, however, please know that ours is 200 percent more powerful than any product on the market!. It's like comparing Coca Cola with generic brand colas. It's the REAL THING! Money back guaranteed! Go to my site and place your order today!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Ganolife Supremo 2014 Launch Party

I am still reflecting on the fantastic experience I had at the Ganolife Supremo 2014 Launch Party this past Saturday, January 4, 2014, at the Ontario Airport Hotel in Ontario, CA. Today is the official release of our Personal Retail Websites. Now I can sell delicious gourmet coffee all over the world. That's right! Anyone that has access to the internet in the world, can order directly from me online! Imagine that! I can literally make money while I'm sleeping. For example, as I write this blog, it's 11:30AM PST, which means it's 11:30PM on the other side of the world. You get it? That's just one way to make money with this awesome Home based business. There are several other ways. For more information, please contact me at

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ganolife Supremo 2014 Launch Party

The Ganolife Supremo 2014 Launch Party was absolutely incredible! There were people there, decked in black and silver, from every walk of life. People with all types of Career backgrounds: Accountants, Athletes, Attorneys, Barbers, Bishops, Business Owners, Cashiers, Coaches, College Students, Computer Programmers, Contractors, Cosmetologist, Counselors, Custodians, Doctors, Educators, Film Producers, Financial Advisors, Gardeners, Hair Stylists, Housekeepers, Laborers, Landscapers, Maintenance, Mechanics, Ministers, Musicians, Nurses, Painters, Pastors, Poets, Plumbers, Real Estate Agents, Secretaries, Social Workers, Teachers, Truck Drivers, Waiters, Waitresses, and the list goes on and on. People with all types of educational levels: BA, BS, MA, MS, MDIV, MD, PHD(Public High School Diploma); Of course this means there were all types of economic status as well. That's what I love about Ganolife. There is something for everybody. You get in where you fit in. It's all about you and what your dreams and visions are for you and your family. Some people do it Part Time. Some people do it Full Time. Some people do it Big Time. It's totally up to you. It's another stream of income. Who couldn't use an extra $500, $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, or $20,000 a month! Life in America has changed drastically and will never, ever be the same again. As a matter of fact, life in the world will never be the same again. We are now a global community. That means the middle class is being extinguished. The top 3% that controlls the country, now controlls the world! The only way you are going to be able to survive and be successful is, you have to adapt and position yourself to maximize your gifts and talents. We are all unique. We are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image and likeness of Almighty God! We are created with Purpose and Destiny. It's time to dream again. Ganolife is the vehicle that can help you make your dreams come true. Contact me for more information at

Monday, January 6, 2014

Ganolife Supremo 2014 Launch Party

The Ganolife Supremo 2014 Launch Party was amazing! We had representation from all 11 countries. Region 1: Canada,  USA; Region 2: Mexico; Region 3: Bolivia,  Columbia,  Costa Rica,  Ecuador,  El Salvador,  Peru,  Puerto Rico,  Republic Dominican.  International CEO,  Chris Tidwell and CEO,  Joven Cabasag,  are two of the greatest leaders in the world.  Together they have put together a system that is guaranteed to bring you success if you follow it. We now have personal retail sites, car bonuses,  and the most recent product,  Columbian Supremo Ground Coffee.  2014 is the year of Double Portion! Contact me at for more information.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Ganolife Supremo 2014 Launch Party

The Ganolife Supremo 2014 Launch Party was absolutely amazing last night.  The event was held at the Ontario Airport Hotel,  700 Haven Avenue,  Ontario,  California. The entire Hotel Convention Center Lobby was converted into a Palacios Party atmosphere.  There was music, balloons, banners, lighting, a stage and beautiful people dressed in Black and Silver everywhere.  It was literally standing room only.  Ladies were wearing evening gowns and men were decked in tuxedos. There was so much excitement in the air! So many beautiful people; So many successful looking people; So many positive looking people; What a way to start 2014! Ganolife CEO,  Joven Cabasag said, " A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. " I say come and join us on this prosperous journey.  Contact me at for more information.

Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 is the year of Double Portion

The number 7 is God's perfect number. It is the number of perfection. It represents God's absolute BEST! 6 is the number of man. 8 represents "New Beginnings"! 2014 represents the number 7X2 which equals 14. That's DOUBLE PORTION EVERYTHING! HEALTH, WEALTH, FAMILY, FRIENDS, FINANCES, BUSINESS, MINISTRY, PROPERTY, JOY, PEACE, HAPPINESS, LOVE, ANOINTING, AND YOU FILL IN THE BLANK! I'M SO EXCITED!!! THIS IS A NEW SEASON! THIS IS OUR TIME!

Ganolife is the "G-Life"

Thank God we made it! 2013 was probably one of the most challenging years of my entire life, but I made it! As I reflect upon all of the obstacles, stumbling blocks, and distractions, that I encountered, I'm reminded of so many powerful words of encouragement that I have given people over the past forty years. "All things work together for good..." "I've had some good days and some bad days, but my good days outweigh my bad days, so I won't complain. So I say Thank you Lord and I won't complain." "I've been through the storm and the rain, but I made it." "You can't have a testimony without a test. Thank God for the test, because now I have a testimony." "You will never know that God is a provider until you are in a situation where no one can help you but God. Now I truly know that God is my provider." "You will never know that God is a healer until you are sick and your family, friends, doctor, or medicine is unavailable, and you call on God, and he miraculously heals you. Now I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God is my healer." I want to thank God for my amazing queen, Dr Helen D. White, who prayed for me, supported me, stood by me, loved me unconditionally, encouraged me, was always there for me, and much, much more. I love you with all of my heart. I want to thank my children, Larnie and Tamera, for supporting me, encouraging me, helping me, loving me, and much, much more. I love each of you so much. I want to thank my spiritual children, Keisa Jones, Jackie Jones, Todd Woodard, Cecile Baker, Audrey Harrison, Loyd Martin, Torie Russell, Rodney Nichols, and Sabrina Jemison for your love and support. I really love and appreciate each of you so much. I want to thank all of my friends and colleagues in ministry, Dr Robert Thrash, Overseer Blanche Ervin, Apostle Michael Rowles, Bishop David Canada, Bishop Deon Douglas, Prophetess Fanette Douglas, Pastor Alice Lancaster, Co-Pastor Victor Lancaster, Bishop Steven Johnson, Pastor Marshall Canada, Pastor Liz Gregory, Bishop Michael Ross, Pastor Wayne Robinson, Apostle Melvin Lyons, Pastor George Martin, Apostle Mae Sanders, Apostle Richard Sanders, Dr Marcella Paterson, Elder Ray Patterson, Bishop Gregory Lucy, Dr Jules Bagneris, Pastor Pam Brocausey, Pastor Eric Holyfield, Bishop Earnest Johnson, Bishop Monte Ware, and Pastor Jerry Banks. I also want to thank my dad, Bishop Larnie B. White, my mother-in-law, Apostle Nettie Frederick, and my nephew, Pastor Andre Frederick, for your prayers and support. I love you so much. finally, I want to thank my Ganolife Family, CEO, Jovan Cabasag, David Gonzalez, James Wiggins, for your support and opportunity to make my dreams come true.