Monday, January 27, 2014

Ganolife Ganoderma Health Benefits

About Ganoderma From National Institute Health Ganoderma lucidum, is an oriental fungus and it has a very long history of use to promote health and longevity in many Asian countries. It is a large, and dark mushroom that has a glossy exterior and it has a woody texture.It's Latin name of lucidus means “shiny”, “brilliant”. This is because of its varnished look on the surface of the mushroom. In Chinese, the name is lingzhi and it represents both a spiritual potency and the essence of immortality. It is also referred to as “herb of spiritual potency,” which symbolizing success, and well-being, and divine power, and longevity. The ganoderma lucidum is known and revered more for it's medicinal power than it's nutritional value. There is a variety of ganoderma products that range from enriched: tea, coffees, chocolate powder, and mocha beverages. Also, the ganoderma comes as a supplement in capsule form, and in "broken spores" form. Contact me at, or go to (This article was originally published by, January 24, 2014)

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