Sunday, January 26, 2014

Ganolife Ganoderma Is Powerful!

Ganoderma Lucidum - A Powerful Natural Remedy: Ganoderma Lucidum A New Group Of Superfoods I am sure you know the cliché, "You are what you eat?" What we knew all along, has been confirmed: a healthy lifestyle is not only about what you do, it is also about everything you put into your mouth! I just read that, even if you eat one heavy fat meal a month, like hamburger and fries, it can affect your arteries. Gone are the 4 food groups, and in comes super foods like Ganoderma Lucidum, also known as Red Reishi! Ganoderma Lucidum the official scientific name for the mysterious Red Reishi Mushroom. This Red Reishi grows on only 2, yes, only 2 out of approximately 10,000 aged and wild plum trees. These trees grow in dense and also humid mountain forests in Asia. Ganoderma Lucidum is surrounded by mystery and it has been around for over 4,000 years. Attributed with almost mythical properties. This shiny Red mushroom has become a medical miracle in our century. It used to be only available to royalties. Phytonutrients:"Phyto Means Plant" So, Phytonutrients actually means "Plant Nutrients" There are hundreds of these phytonutrients and they are also often called: phytochemicals. Common nutrients are:carotenoids (such as lutein),flavonoids,these are some of the more well known nutrients. Phytonutrients also include antioxidants. Antioxidants have properties that prevent cell damage. There are hundreds of these nutrients, and I am sure that you can find many scientific articles that tell all about them. Suffice it to say, for those of us who are not that scientifically inclined, we don't need to know all the scientific names. We are ok just to know they are there. Ganoderma is known to have over 200 phytonutrients! Contact me at, or go to (This article was originally published by, January 24, 2014)

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