Monday, August 19, 2013

Gano Life is the Best Assurance Part 3

Surviving Without Insurance For those who are uninsured and earnestly waiting for the Affordable Care Act , here are some tips for survival: 1. Healthy Diet and Exercise An apple a day will not always keep the doctor away, but a healthy diet paired with exercise will keep your immune system performing at its best. To reap the health benefits of physical activity, one must combine aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Physical activity can prevent heart disease, type 2 diabetes and help control blood pressure, blood sugar, and weight. Children and teenagers should get an hour or more of physical activity each day, which can be spread out throughout the day, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Adults are recommended to engage in five hours of exercise per week, mixing aerobic workouts and strength training for maximum benefits. Eat a diet that is low in fat, high in whole grains and well balanced with lean proteins and leafy veggies. Avoid sugary beverages or soda. Instead, snack on healthy alternatives like fresh fruits and vegetables, low-fat cheese, yogurt and nuts and seeds. 2. Rest Know when to rest. If you feel the pre-symptoms of the flu, like the aches and shivers, take a day off to let your body take care of itself. 3. Have An Emergency Contact Hopefully you're lucky enough to have a friend nearby that can be you emergency contact. A familiar face in an unnerving hospital setting is always comforting. 4. Financial Assistance For those that are uninsured, many hospitals have financial assistance programs based on annual income. Meet with the financial counselor, they will help you figure out the best payment plan for you and your family.

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