Thursday, August 22, 2013

Gano Life Now Has Green Coffee Bean Weight Loss Capsules

Green Coffee Beans May Aid Weight Loss Supplement Linked to Weight Loss in Small, Early Study Save This Article For Later Share this: Font size:AAA By Kathleen Doheny WebMD Health News Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD March 28, 2012 -- Ground green coffee beans, taken daily, seem to spur steady weight loss, according to new research. In a small, 22-week study, researchers found that 16 overweight men and women lost an average of 17 pounds. They took the green (unroasted) coffee beans in supplement form and, for comparison, took a placebo at a different point of the study. They did not change their diet. They were physically active. They lost more while on the supplements than while on placebo. They lost the most when on the higher of two coffee bean doses. "We don't think it's the caffeine in it," says Joe Vinson, PhD, professor of chemistry at the University of Scranton. He presented the findings Tuesday at the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society in San Diego. The results echo those of earlier studies, but Vinson used a larger dose of the green coffee beans.

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