Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Gano Life Ganoderma Is Great For Cancer Part 3

Role of Ganoderma in Cancer A doctor once said, "Cancer is a serious disease, but it is not fatal. Patients have a good chance to recover." This statement sounds consolatory but basing on our recent research data, it can very well be true. The prestigious Japanese doctor, Dr Fukumi Morishige, M.D.,Phd., currently involved in the research of reishi's role in cancer control, is a researcher at the Linus Pauling Institute of Science & Medicine - an American institute that had been awarded the most Nobel prizes. He also occupies an important role in Europe's medical fields as well, and is the only Japanese authority employed by the international cancer group. The following is his speech and case reports on reishi. I have been a surgeon for 37 years and have performed numerous operations. I have a keen interest in surgery especially when I was young but gradually questions began to appear. Always feel that the ideal would be to induce the natural immunity power within oneself. Being a surgeon, I had countless occasions to encounter cancer cases; however, the key to cancer controls is in its early detection, which is easier said than done. About one in a hundred would be considered a good percentage. Nowadays, regular physical check-ups is the trend and this is good practice, but we have to realize that one cannot let our guards down just because cancer was not detected at the time of check-ups. People often suspect the physicians of misdiagnosing when cancer was detected at a later date. This notion is incorrect as there are many undiscovered cases even with monthly check-ups. For example, in the case of penetrance type stomach cancer, it is one of the most difficult to detect and these account for about 25% of the cases, therefore, prevention is equally important. It is better to employ preventive measures in the case of cancer but there are no set methods. One can always rely on dietary control, but here again it is not a prescribed regiment. The best method at the present is reishi. I do not know of its amazing effects until after I have used it and I am truly surprised. During my practice, I have obtained outstanding results using reishi either as preventive measures or during the course of treatments. Earlier on, I have come across patients and their relatives praising the merits of reishi. But being a medical person, I have thought that it might have a slight effect on certain chronic diseases but on cancer, surely, must be greatly exaggerated. Reishi's tremendous effect warrants further studies. In June of 1986, a 39-year-old female came to me with lung cancer and complications of the chest wall membrane. She had been told that she could not be operated on by a number of hospitals. She left in a hopeless state. Upon returning home, her husband started to feed her reishi. After my examination, I was surprised by the findings: 6 months ago, she had edema in the chest cavity, secondary to cancer and now the symptom had completely disappeared. For a person who have already made her funeral arrangement and waiting for death to rediscover there is hope for life, is incredible. X-ray had presented an even better picture when I am going through her medical history. She insisted that this was the result of her husband giving her reishi. The edema had drained while the cancer tumor remained. On a rough calculation, this patient had used about 4 grams of reishi essence daily and this was quite a high dosage. We further undertook exploratory surgery and by using special freeze technique, it was possible to perform operations on chest membrane cancer. Looking at the x-ray, no cancerous cells were found. Only scar tissues were evident, which were different from cancer cells. I did a biopsy of the lung tissues and detected malignancy, but stable. Please contact me for more information on Gano Life Ganoderma at ganoforlifeusa@gmail.com.

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