Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Gano Life Is Great For High Blood Pressure Part 4

Medication side effects Since high blood pressure medication must be used long term, you must be able to withstand the side effects. Some people, do not take their medication to avoid these side effects. This is dangerous and life endangering practice! A more prudent and effective alternative is to follow doctor’s advice on proper medication first. Once your condition is controlled, use herbs for high blood pressure such as Ganoderma Lucidum for long term improvement. The Ganoderma detoxification ability helps to neutralize toxins from medication. What this means is that it reduces side effects from drug medication and helps to protect your liver and kidney. To be truly effective, it is critically important for you to alter your diet and lifestyle to a more active and healthier one. How can you reduce high blood pressure naturally? Keep in mind the following points even you’re taking medications and herbs for high blood pressure. Keep your weight within the healthy weight range Consume less fat and high cholesterol food Eat less salt – consume kosher salt or sea salt when necessary Reduce your alcohol consumption Eat more fiber rich foods Exercise regularly – walks, swimming, dancing Do not smoke Manage stress and anger better — also reduced through effective use of exercising Only by modifying your diet and lifestyle, can have better chances to improve your hypertension. Please contact me for more information about Gano Life Ganoderma at

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