Saturday, October 19, 2013

Gano Life Is Great For Your Health Part 2

Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum: An Effective Supplement Against Many Diseases and Ailments There are countless vitamins, herbal or natural products on the market claiming medicinal and nutritional benefits to the human organism. It certainly can be a daunting task to figure out which one really has therapeutic values. For each claim, you can find a counter claim. For instance, recent researches showed that soy based products did not live up to the initial claims about certain trace elements offering nutritional values. Vitamin D has been challenged when some researches show that it can be harmful over a certain dosage. Some even claim it has cancer fighting properties. Well, you get the picture... the story goes on. One herbal product, however, has been accepted and tested through time (estimated 2,000 years) to have substantial therapeutic and medicinal values. Reishi Ganoderma a.k.a Lingzhi, extracted from rare reishi mushrooms, has been recognized in Asia to be THE top superior natural herb among 365 others. Once available to only the privileged in Asia, it is now making its way to the western world. The therapeutic value of Reishi Ganoderma is not a fairy tale, but rather backed by incredible recent scientific researches. To find out more about Reishi, its benefits and clinical findings, we welcome you to visit other parts of our web site. Reishi Ganoderma - Scientific Research and Findings Similar to many mushrooms, Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi) grows in wet climes, commonly on decaying plant matter. Called Ling Zhi in China, reishi is purported to promote health and longevity, lower the risk of cancer and heart disease, and strengthen immunity, according to a study in the February 2004 issue of the British Journal of Nutrition. Reishi contains several major constituents, including sterols, coumarin, mannitol, polysaccharides, and triterpenoids called ganoderic acids. Ganoderic acids may lower blood pressure as well as decrease LDL (bad) cholesterol. These specific triterpenoids also help reduce blood platelets from sticking together - an important factor in lowering the risk for coronary artery disease. Two controlled clinical trials have investigated the effects of reishi on high blood pressure in humans and both found it could lower blood pressure significantly compared to a placebo or controls. The people with hypertension in the second study had previously not responded to medications, though these were continued during the study. Unlike other proclaimed "cure-all" herbs, Reishi effectiveness is backed by hundreds of medical and scientific studies with factual results. The following are just a few examples of its promising therapeutic value on cancer. The January 2006 latest research results from the prestigious Cedars-Sinai medical center reveals that Reishi causes apoptosis (cell death) of HUMAN cancer cells. Furthermore, The Methodist Research Institude in Indianapolis recently published a research paper (May, 2008) demonstrating Reishi (G. Lucidum) as a promising natural agents for the therapy of invasive breast cancers as the Reishi Ganoderic acids suppress growth and spread of cancer cells. In vitro results published in May 2004 in the International Journal of Oncology showed that Reishi can arrest cell proliferation, cell cycle, and induce apoptosis in human prostate and breast cancer cells. The renowned Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York has extensive references showing that Reishi enhances the immune response in advance-stage cancer patients. Based on these findings, Ganoderma Lucidum Reishi could be a potent supplement in the prevention of cancer. Please contact me for more information about

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