Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Gano Life Is Great For Cancer

Reishi and Cancer Reishi has been shown to be a potential agent in the treatment or prevention of certain cancers. In one study, reishi suppressed cell adhesion and cell migration of highly invasive breast and prostate cancer cells, suggesting its potency to reduce tumor invasiveness. Reishi clearly demonstrates anticancer activity in experiments with cancer cells and has possible therapeutic potential as a dietary supplement for an alternative therapy for breast and prostate cancer. Additional studies show water soluble extracts from reishi inhibit colon tumors in mice. And, reishi may enhance the immune response in those with end stage cancer. As of December 2007, extensive human studies are not available to make any firm conclusions regarding the dosage and safety of reishi in terms of human cancer treatment. Regression of gastric large B-Cell lymphoma accompanied by a florid lymphoma-like T-cell reaction: immunomodulatory effect of Ganoderma lucidum Reishi? Int J Surg Pathol. 2007 Apr;15(2):180-6. Department of Pathology, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Wylie Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong.Complete regression of highgrade lymphoma is extremely rare. We report 1 such case that might have been conceivably mediated by reishi. A 47-year-old man presented with epigastric pain. Endoscopy revealed a large gastric ulcer, which on biopsy was diagnostic of large Bcell lymphoma. At gastrectomy 11 days later, no evidence was found of large B-cell lymphoma despite thorough sampling. Instead, there was a dense and permeative infiltrate of CD3(+) CD8(+) cytotoxic small T lymphocytes spanning the whole thickness of the gastric wall. In situ reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction for T-cell receptor beta-chain family did not detect a monoclonal T-cell population. We postulate that the cytotoxic T cells may represent an active host-immune response against the large B-cell lymphoma that resulted in a complete regression. On questioning, the patient had taken megadoses of reishi, which might have triggered the successful immune reaction. Anti cancer effects of Ganoderma lucidum: a review of scientific evidence. Nutr Cancer. 2005;53(1):11-7. Department of Health Technology and Informatics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, SAR, China. Reishi a popular medicinal mushroom, has been used in China for longevity and health promotion since ancient times. Investigations into the anti cancer activity of reishi have been performed in both in vitro and in vivo studies, supporting its application for cancer treatment and prevention. The proposed anti cancer activity of reishi has prompted its usage by cancer patients. It remains debatable as to whether reishi is a food supplement for health maintenance or actually a therapeutic "drug" for medical proposes. Thus far there has been no report of human trials using reishi as a direct anti cancer agent, despite some evidence showing the usage of reishi as a potential supplement to cancer patients. Cellular immune responses and mitogenic reactivity of cancer patients have been enhanced by reshi, as reported in two randomized and one nonrandomized trials, and the quality of life of 65% of lung cancer patients improved in one study. The direct cytotoxic and anti-angiogenesis mechanisms of reishi have been established by in vitro studies; however, clinical studies should not be neglected to define the applicable dosage in vivo. At present, reishi is a health food supplement to support cancer patients, yet the evidence supporting the potential of direct in vivo anti cancer effects should not be underestimated. Please contact me for more information about Gano Life Ganoderma at ganoforlifeusa@gmail.com.

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