Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Cordyceps as Prostate Cancer Treatment

Cordyceps as Prostate Cancer Treatment AUTHOR BRIDGET GREENWOOD The medicinal mushroom Cordyceps is the source of a potential anti-cancer drug: Cordycepin. Cordycepin, derived from the active ingredients of Cordyceps, has strong antioxidant and anti cancer properties. It actually causes cancer cell death. But just how does this medicinal mushroom derivative help kill cancer cells? And, could you use Cordyceps as prostate cancer treatment? A study from the Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology, Republic of Korea, was published to explain how cordycepin helps kill cancer cells. Researchers Lee HH, Kim SO, et al, investigated the mechanism responsible for this cordycepin-induced cancer cell death. In their trial they examined prostate cancer cells. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men after skin cancer. In fact, almost 50% of all men will have the pre-cancerous condition known as Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) by the time they are 50. But although many men are diagnosed, prostate cancer can often be successfully treated. According to the American Cancer Society, there are over 2 million prostate cancer survivors living in the US today. Treatments include surgery, chemotherapy and hormone therapy. Chemotherapy refers to the strong drugs which are effective treatments, including treatments for cancers which have spread to other parts of the body. How does the active ingredient in Cordyceps kill cancer cells? cordyceps caterpillars 300x266 Cordyceps as Prostate Cancer Treatment Cordycepin may cause prostate cancer cells to die Cordycepin induces apoptosis, or programmed cell death. This means the cordycepin causes the patient’s immune system to identify and destroy cancer cells. However, some prostate cancer is resistant to these pro-apoptotic drugs. How does the cordycepin manage to treat this resistant cancer? The researchers found that cordycepin also stimulates autophagy. Autophagy is another immune response. Autophagy is a normal process, essential to our health. Simply put, autophagy causes damaged or stressed cells to die. This is a form of non-apoptotic programmed cell death. Any targeted cancer cells which are resistant to pro-apoptotic drugs will nevertheless be killed by the autophagy drugs. The study concluded that cordycepin (from Cordyceps) is a potential treatment for pro-apoptotic resistant prostate cancer. Please go to this site and place your order NOW!

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