Sunday, October 26, 2014

Medicinal Mushrooms and Lung Cancer

Medicinal Mushrooms and Lung Cancer AUTHOR SHARON CORNET medicinal mushrooms My other grandfather died of lung cancer when I was 10 years old despite having quit smoking for the last 20 years of his life. I was happy for the memories I still have of him from my youth but often wondered what it would have been like to have him around longer. Thanks to medicinal mushrooms like Cordyceps, Trametes versicolor, and others, people with lung cancer may have a better chance at survival. Cordyceps medicinal mushrooms for lung cancer According to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Cordyceps medicinal mushrooms are used for fatigue, sexual dysfunction, coughs, to stimulate the immune system, and also for lung cancer. According to the in vitro animals studies Cordyceps medicinal mushrooms “show antitumor, radioprotective, and antidiabetic effects. In addition, cordyceps enhances recovery of mice with taxol-induced leukopenia and increases the cytotoxicity of cisplatin in non-small cell lung cancer cells.” Trametes versicolor medicinal mushrooms for cancers Says the Anti-Cancer Therapies section of the A Guide to Integrative Oncology for Clinicians at the University of Washington website, extracts from medicinal mushrooms have shown promise for lung cancer, among other types of cancer. In particular, the medicinal mushrooms “Trametes versicolor (T. versicolor), also known as Coriolus versicolor or Polyporus versicolor” were examined in clinical trials using active fractions of the mushrooms (namely PSK/PSP) and published in Korea and Japan. The studies suggest that “T. versicolor polysaccharide-peptide constituents improve disease-free and overall survival in several different types of cancer, including stomach, esophagus, lung, colorectal, prostate, and breast adenocarcinomas. In Japan, PSK is a therapy prescribed to cancer patients routinely…” Medicinal mushrooms for cancer and other health benefits Medicinal mushrooms have tremendously powerful effects that go beyond just being able to help lung cancer. The mushrooms are anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, anti-allergic, anti-cancer, anti-tumor, hypocholesterolemic, immunomodulatory (boosts the immune system), anti-microbial, and are nephroprotective (protects kidneys from harm). According to what was published by 3 Biotech (2012 March), “The mushrooms credited with success against cancer belong to the genus Phellinus, Pleurotus, Agaricus, Ganoderma, Clitocybe, Antrodia, Trametes, Cordyceps, Xerocomus, Calvatia, Schizophyllum, Flammulina, Suillus, Inonotus, Inocybe, Funlia, Lactarius, Albatrellus, Russula, and Fomes.” If only my grandfather had known about medicinal mushrooms like Cordyceps, Trametes versicolor, and other medicinal mushrooms, perhaps his life would have been lengthened. Perhaps it will help someone else today. Please go to this site to order Ganolife Gourmet Coffee enriched with Ganoderma,

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