Saturday, October 11, 2014

Myths About Caffeine #7

Myth or Fact? Caffeine is linked to fibrocystic breast disease. Myth: Caffeine intake isn’t related to the benign condition of lumpy breasts, reports the American Medical Association. “There's no evidence to support the idea that caffeine causes fibrocystic changes,” says Katherine B. Lee, M.D., a staff physician in Cleveland Clinic’s Breast Center. “It seems to contribute to breast pain, but doesn't cause breast cancer," Dr. Lee says. That's because breast pain is hormonal and caffeine causes blood vessels to dilate, adding to normal monthly breast tenderness. "If a woman experiences breast pain, I inquire about caffeine and usually advise that she cut down on her intake,” she says. Please go to this site to order Ganolife Gourmet Enriched Coffee.

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