Monday, October 13, 2014

Myths About Caffeine #9

Myth or Fact? Caffeine comes with calories galore. Myth: On their own, coffee and tea have no calories or fat. It’s the flavored syrups, whole milk and cream that turn innocent caffeinated drinks into calorie bombs. Those tasty blended drinks can contain 200-600 calories. And the creamers found in many offices? Two tablespoons can add 80 calories and four grams of fat - equal to a pat of butter. To cut calories, choose the smallest serving, either 8 or 12 ounces. Order your beverage with fat-free or skim milk and skip the syrup, whipped cream and sprinkles! Drink Caffeine 8-oz. brewed coffee 133 mg 8-oz. decaf coffee 5 mg 2-oz. Starbucks double espresso 150 mg 12-oz. Diet Coke 47 mg 8.3-oz. Red Bull 80 mg 8-oz. hot cocoa 9 mg 12-oz. Jolt Cola 72 mg 8-oz. black tea 53 mg Source: Center for Science in the Public Interest Test Your Caffeine IQ You know you depend on that jolt of caffeine, but how much do you know about its effects on your body? Test your caffeine smarts with this quiz. Please go to this site to order Ganolife Gourmet Enriched Coffee.

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