Friday, October 3, 2014

Medicinal Mushroom Cordyceps Protects Heart in Kidney Disease

Medicinal Mushroom Cordyceps Protects Heart in Kidney Disease AUTHOR BRIDGET GREENWOOD Cordyceps and kidney disease An animal study has found that the medicinal mushroom Cordyceps protects the heart and other internal organs in cases of chronic kidney disease. Could this medicinal mushroom become part of a cure for chronic kidney disease in the future? The medicinal mushroom Cordyceps has been a valuable ingredient in the traditional Chinese medicinal kit for centuries. The versatile fungus was often used to protect against heart and cardiovascular diseases. More recently, medicinal mushrooms are undergoing scientific scrutiny, as researchers find evidence that the medicinal mushrooms’ bioactive compounds can improve our immune systems, have anti-cancer properties, and can act on other diseases. Researchers (Liu X, Zhong F, et al) from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China, wanted to test the traditional belief that Cordyceps sinensis could improve the metabolic function of the heart and other organs in cases of chronic kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease is the progressive loss of kidney function. As yet there is no cure for this disease, which often leads to complications such as cardiovascular disease. There are treatments to slow the advance of the disease, but the final stage–end stage renal disease—is best treated with a kidney transplant. There are currently more people waiting for kidney transplants than there are available organs. For example, in 2010 almost 4300 people in Canada alone were on a waiting list for organ transplants. And, according to the The National Kidney Foundation, as many as 26 million Americans are living with kidney disease. Finding new treatments for kidney disease is therefore a key goal of medical research. Animal trial shows Cordyceps protects against heart injuries Shanghai 150x150 Medicinal Mushroom Cordyceps Protects Heart in Kidney Disease Cordyceps medicinal mushroom may help people with chronic kidney disease: Shanghai study The researchers treated rats with chronic kidney disease with extracts of Cordyceps, or a control substance, for eight weeks. Metabolites were then extracted from the hearts and livers, and analyzed. The Cordyceps extracts had a significant effect on the livers and hearts. The Cordyceps had reversed levels of metabolites which cause heart and liver dysfunction. This positive result has shed new light on the mechanics of chronic kidney disease, and could be used to develop new treatments in the future. Obviously, this was an animal test so if you have chronic kidney disease, you should not change your treatment without discussing it with your physician. However, if your physician agrees to give Cordyceps a try — after all, Cordyceps are really just mushrooms — good quality Cordyceps supplements are available both in dietary supplement stores and online. Please go to this site and place your order NOW!

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