Monday, October 20, 2014

Health Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms Cause Traditional Doctors to Consider Them as Alternatives for Cancer Treatment

Health Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms Cause Traditional Doctors to Consider Them as Alternatives for Cancer Treatment AUTHOR SHARON CORNET Medicinal mushrooms and cancer What do modern medicine and traditional medicine have in common these days? Medicinal mushrooms! These edible fungi, such as Shiitake, Maitake, Reishi, Lion’s Mane, and others are at the heart of why an increasing number of allopathic doctors are prescribing their patients medicinal mushrooms for possible cures and aids for a hoard of sicknesses, including cancer. What?! Traditional, (allopathic) doctors and pharmacies that promote and use standard medicine are making money by utilizing the “old ways” and ancient use of traditional medicine? The answer is YES! Modern medicine, just as with its tapping into the herbal supplements for specific diseases, even cancer, and pushing more vitamin and mineral use for particular ailments, is also bowing its scientifically-scrutinizing head to medicinal mushrooms! Tons of money is pouring into the field of modern medicine to fund more research into higher forms of fungi that those in traditional medicine has been using for years… even hundreds of years in Japan, and thousands of years in China! Cancer was cured back then, so why not now, too! Did you know that one of the leading cancer drugs in Japan, PSK, is based on Coriolus Versicolor medicinal mushroom? Health Benefits of medicinal mushrooms like Coriolus Versicolor have anti-cancer uses! Allopathic doctors have been catching on to the great health benefits of medicinal mushrooms like Reishi due to the increasing amount of research by universities, pharmacological entities, scientists and medical researchers into these edible fungi. Reishi, Lion’s Mane, Maitake, and Shiitake are but a few of the many mushrooms known to have antitumor properties. Mushrooms also boost the immune system and have phytochemicals that produce anticancer effects for cancer patients. Nowadays it is not uncommon to find mushroom extracts being prescribed by allopathic doctors as an adjunct therapy to cancer treatment. Coriolus Versicolor medicinal mushroom seems to help breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Allopathic doctors in Western medicine finally catching on to health benefits of medicinal mushrooms U. Lindequist, R Rausch, et al., at the Institut für Pharmazie did a study on higher fungi in both modern and traditional medicine. They were aware of the “very long tradition in the Asian countries” for using mushrooms as medicine, and that the “Western hemisphere has been slightly increasing only since the last decades.” Their overview of some of the top medicinal mushrooms (that some allopathic doctors prescribe today) were summarized regarding the pharmacology and chemistry of these medicinal mushrooms: Lentinula edodes (Shiitake, Golden Oak Mushroom) Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi, Ling Zhi) Agaricus brasiliensis (Royal sun agaricus), also known as Agaricus Blazei Murill Grifola frondosa (Maitake, Hen-of-the-Woods) Hericium erinaceus (Yamabushitake, Lion’s Mane, Monkey’s Head) These days western medicine is profiting both financially and by their patients’ wellness, in part due to the use of what was once considered only as traditional medicine techniques. By prescribing medicinal mushroom use to their patients, allopathic doctors are seeing the great benefits to the health, longevity, wellbeing, and quality of life for their patients, whether these patients are just working on improving health, fighting an illness, or trying to cure cancer. Be sure to ask your doctor and naturopath before using medicinal mushrooms to see if they can benefit you. Some of us are allergic to mushrooms. If you are, medicinal mushrooms are obviously not for you. Please go to this site to order Ganolife Gourmet Coffee enriched with Ganoderma,

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