Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Medicinal Mushroom Maitake Causes Cell Death In Prostate Cancer

Medicinal Mushroom Maitake Causes Cell Death In Prostate Cancer AUTHOR BRIDGET GREENWOOD maitake causes cancer cell deat A study published in Molecular Urology found evidence that extracts of the versatile medicinal mushroom Maitake can induce programmed cell death in prostate cancer cells in vitro. The medicinal mushroom Maitake (also known as Grifola frondosa) has been the subject of many scientific trials. This powerful natural medicine was a staple of traditional Chinese medicine for centuries, taken to enhance the immune system and for heart health. And Maitake is now becoming a valuable weapon in the war on cancer. There have been many studies analyzing Maitake’s effect on cancer cells. A promising field of research is the effect Maitake has on prostate cancer cells. Other studies have been published highlighting Maitake’s antitumor properties. Researchers (Fullerton SA, Samadi AA, et al) from New York Medical College’s Department of Urology (USA) investigated Maitake polysaccharides known as beta-glucans. They hoped to find the Maitake extracts would have anti-tumor effects. Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers for men—second only to skin cancer. And it is the second leading cause of cancer death in men, according to the American Cancer Society. However, early detection means the cancer can often be treated, and new therapies are continually being researched. Maitake polysaccharide induced prostate cancer cell death researcher 150x150 Medicinal Mushroom Maitake Causes Cell Death In Prostate Cancer Beta glucan from Maitake Medicinal Mushroom Induces Prostate Cancer Cell Death The researchers used highly purified beta-glucan preparations of the Maitake extract. Varying concentrations of these beta-glucans—known as Grifron-D(R)—were tested on human prostate cancer cells. The Maitake extracts were also tested in combination with vitamin C, and in combination with various anti-cancer drugs. Remarkably, a dose-response study showed that almost complete cancer cell death (more than 95%) was reach in just one day with higher doses of Grifron-D, i.e. beta glucan extract from Maitake. The researchers concluded that the bioactive beta-glucans from Maitake medicinal mushrooms have a cytotoxic effect, destroying the prostate cancer cells by inducing programmed cell death. Perhaps in the future these Maitake polysaccharides will become part of a new drug treatment for prostate cancer. Please go to this site to order Ganolife Gourmet Coffee enriched with Ganoderma,

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